Hearing the Gospel According to Moses:
A Commentary on Deuteronomy

Publication Objectives

The biblical book of Deuteronomy synthesizes the theology of the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and offers an important starting point for later biblical authors to interpret the history of God’s covenant with Israel. With this three-volume set Inspirata has made a study of the first order on this special book available to the church and the academy.

This commentary represents the best of Dr. Block’s lifelong study on Deuteronomy, inviting readers to hear the Gospel (good news) message that Moses delivered in his farewell addresses to Israel on the threshold of the land God had promised to his people. For those who desire clear and sound interpretation that captures Moses’ pastoral heart, or an introduction to scholarship on the historical, literary, theological, and canonical perspectives of Deuteronomy, this commentary is a good place to start.

About the Author

Festschrift >

Daniel I. Block (PhD, University of Liverpool) is the Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, USA. He is the author of more than 120 scholarly papers and many popular articles on biblical texts and topics. His published books include The Book of Ezekiel (2 volumes, NICOT, 1997, 1998), Judges and Ruth (NAC, 1999), Deuteronomy (NIVAC, 2012), For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship (2014), Ruth: The King is Coming (ZECOT, 2015), and Covenant: The Framework of God’s Grand Plan of Redemption (2021).

Structure of the Commentary

Vol. 1
Introduction to the Book of Deuteronomy
Commentary on Moses’ First and Second Addresses to Israel (Deut 1–11)
Vol. 2
Commentary on the first two-thirds of Moses’ Third Address to Israel (Deut 12–23)
Vol. 3
Commentary on the remainder of Moses’ Third Address to Israel, Moses’ Fourth Address, and Concluding Poetic and Prose Materials (Deut 24–34)

Support & Fund Raising

The publication of Hearing the Gospel According to Moses:A Commentary on Deuteronomy (3 vols.) is made possible by donations and supports by Christians and churches around the world.

  • Total budget of this project: HK$800,000 (about US$100,000)
  • Please help spread this website and the message of this project to your friends and support us generously.
  • Email for donations or related inquiries: mk@endao.co

Donations received as of 2024.07.17: HK$ 800,018.20

Anticipated Schedule of Publication

Commentary Paperback Chapters Orders
English Vol. 1 Deut 1-11
Vol. 2 Deut 11-23
Vol. 3 Deut 24-34
Simplified Chinese Vol. 1 Deut 1-11
Vol. 2 Deut 11-23
Vol. 3 Deut 24-34
Traditional Chinese Vol. 1 Deut 1-11
Vol. 2 Deut 11-23
Vol. 3 Deut 24-34

Distribution Overview


  1. We use Print-on-Demand (POD) to supply printed commentaries.
  2. Normal lead time is two weeks for printing and delivery. Geographical exceptions applied.
  3. Inquiries: service@endao.co

Paperback orders

  1. amazon.com (English commentaries)
  2. book.endao.co (English & Chinese commentaries)
  3. Inquiries: service@endao.co

Ebook orders

  1. amazon.com (English ebooks for Kindle)
  2. i.hisbook.cc (English & Chinese ebooks, Inspirata eBooks App)
  3. Inquiries: ebookservice@endao.co